Sabtu, 21 November 2009

Still With FTI - It's works!

Till in this time if we are search in Google with keyword : FTI – It’s works! will present more than 1.500 result of which is found. Very extraordinary its result…..but just certain people which till in this time can occupy first page;yard of Google. Very hard step into the overall is first. So far growth of race of FTI – It’s works! still leave over time more or less 3 or 4 week again. This Blog never felt to occupy first pageyard, page;yard don't be first…

So Hard to maintain this FTI - It's works! blog to remain in first page, I don't know how to take care n continue of my blog in first page...

...............FTI - It's works!....................


Kamis, 19 November 2009

Update FTI - It's works!

FTI - It's works! FTI - It's works! FTI - It's works!
will never change the title ... and little more peaks for the assessment of this blog ...
more heat and more passion as well to update ... because this blog was on page 1, but then when my back was tough on page 2 .... actually really can not wait for the value of this blog again .. while at the top of the page well actually .... let's not hard to edit, update and continue ....FTI - It's works!... if I've succeeded with the contents of this blog useful .. I promise to make blogs more useful it again .....
well ... the core spirit of FTI - It's works! FTI - It's works! FTI - It's works!


Improve of FTI - It's works!

FTI - It's works! It works!

Competition to placing the web or blog at the first page of search engine google with keyword FTI - It's works! king of the earths, the competitors begin to update their blog from day to day more agresive then before, because two week later the final, the lecturer will see who have the web blog at first page of search engine. And the last...good luck for FTI-UAZ 2008.


Selasa, 17 November 2009

Intoduce of FTI - It's works!

FTI - It’s works! is name appearance to emerge if a network system or link have succeeded.
way of making network to can present FTI - It’s works! that is with Linux system operating mengunakan with type of redhat in Iesson of isa. And FTI - It’s works! this also become keyword which have [in] agreeing on by all student of IT2008 UAZ for the contest of seo determining student value in Iesson of isa.


Sabtu, 14 November 2009

FTI - It's works! Article....

When the mid semester has finished and then continue to the last semester, on subyek of study Internet System Administration every student in IT faculty should be make web blog especially in the third grade. They have to make web blog that include keyword FTI - It's works!, so that every time, every where they are talking about their blog. They said that " Hi bro how about your blog, my blog at the first page of search engine of GOOGLE, how about you?". Why? because in this task every student who want get the best score in subyek of study ISA they should be put their web blog at the first page of search engine.

=====GOOD LUCK FOR FTI - It's works! ALL MY FRIEND=====


Rabu, 11 November 2009

Making FTI - It's works! for Indonesia

Periode program : 1999 - 2000

Di antara mereka yang paling parah terkena dampak sapuan krisis ekonomi dan moneter di Indonesia pada tahun 1998 adalah para pelaku industri perbankan tanah air. Dampak dari krisis itu sangat luas, terlebih ketika pemerintah melikuidasi begitu banyak bank-bank swasta yang dinilai tidak sehat. Korban paling akhir dari kebijakan itu adalah para karyawan bank yang jumlahnya mencapai sekitar 17 ribu dan mereka kehilangan pekerjaan dalam waktu singkat.

Microsoft selalu memiliki keyakinan terhadap pentingnya memenuhi apa yang menjadi kebutuhan masyarakat serta mempromosikan kesejahteraan komunitas. Dalam program Making IT Work for Indonesia yang diimplementasikan mulai tahun 1999, kami memperkenalkan keahlian Teknologi Informasi (TI) kepada para mantan karyawan dari bank-bank swasta yang terlikuidasi. Melalui kursus singkat yang diselenggarakan dalam program ini, 30% dari sekitar 5,000 para peserta kursus telah mendapatkan pekerjaan kembali yang memanfaatkan keahlian baru mereka di bidang TI.

Begitu juga di FTI-UAZ 2008 Making FTI - It's works! for Indonesia yang sekarang mengadakan kontes seo dengan kata kunci FTI - It's works! sekaligus untuk menetukan nilai para mahasiswanya.

Program pelatihan ini berjalan selama satu tahun penuh mulai tahun 1999 sampai tahun 2000 dengan total peserta pelatihan yang melebihi target awal sebanyak 5,000 orang. Dalam program ini, Microsoft Indonesia bekerja-sama dengan beberapa mitra seperti Hewlett-Packard, ExecuTrain, Sarana Solusindo Informatika, Microsindo Pratama dan ElexMedia Komputindo. Microsoft juga mendonasikan lebih dari USD 100,000 dalam bentuk uang tunai dan piranti lunak kepada STIMK Perbanas sebagai institusi penyelenggara pelatihan.

FTI - It's works!


FTI - It’s works!

Ketika mendengar kata FTI - It’s works! pasti kita tahu bahwa itu adalah kepunyaan mahasiswa IT UAZ 2008, dan FTI-It’s works! adalah salah satu yng membuat mahasiswa IT senang.. dan juga kesel.., karena web atau blognya gak muncul2 di halamn 1 (hehehehe), tp dari pada kesel kita harusnya berusaha terus menerus, gimna caranya kita dapat menjadi halaman pertama dengan menggunakan kata kunci FTI It’s works!…..
Namun.. bagi yang berhasil berada di halaman 1 itu pasti sangat senang sekali karena ia bisa memiliki pengalaman contest dalam SEO ini..
ok.., good lucke FTI - It’s works! 2008...
